Saturday 12 March 2022



I worked with Charlotte Coppellotti 1812, Ellie Smart 1859 and Millie Wyatt 1874.

We produced a promotion package for a comedy/crime film 'Dodging A Bullet'. This package includes trailers, official social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) and a film poster. 

Please find my minor work pieces under the appropriate convergent links tabs at the top of this blog. My Creative Critical Reflection has a dedicated page at the top of my blog.




Camera Work

I took on camera work responsibility when filming establishing shots of the mansion and did so using a Canon 650 D camera. I made sure to use a manfrotto tripod in order to get a steady and balanced panning shot and it also came in handy when we all had to be in a scene as we had no extra bodies to film for us. When I was behind the camera, I would guide actors where to stand in order to get the best angle and lighting. When the Canon was unavailable, we used an iPhone 12 as it was the next best option due to its high quality camera. When not in shots herself, Ellie took on prime videographer most significantly during the briefing room scene. However, we made sure everyone in the group had an opportunity to use the camera and film different scenes. 


Millie took on the main role of editing the trailer and used Final Cut Pro and iMovie after taking the memory card from the camera to upload footage onto the school iMacs. Millie had the best editing skills and so our editing process went quicker and smoother when I would give Millie ideas and she would implement them. However, once we believed we had finished the trailer, I then acted as a pair of second eyes and went through, editing things that we either wanted to tweak or add. Throughout the whole editing process, we imported multiple voice notes (of the voice over and of recorded music) which we wanted to accompany the action on screen. The iMacs made this very easy as we could use AirDrop to gain quick access to footage and clips needed during the editing procedure. One issue we faced was to make sure our trailer did not include continuity as we acknowledged this is not a convention of a trailer. Millie was able to solve this issue by including short cuts and intertitles to break up the scenes. 


During the briefing scene, I helped to get the lighting right by making sure the black drama curtains blocked out any natural light and so the background was simply black rather than the educational posters on the walls. Charlotte and Ellie then played around with the spotlights, experimenting with different colours and brightness to see what would give off the best atmosphere. During the ending phone call scene, Charlotte envisioned having the actor face the spotlight and then film from behind in order to create rim lighting. This was extremely effective as the actors face was hidden in the shadows but her silhouette was highlighted, giving a sinister effect and creating enigma of their identity. 


Throughout the whole process of producing our trailer, we all put forward ideas and concepts such as certain shot types, plots and locations. This was effective as we then had a greater creative input and bouncing ideas off each other gave us the best shot at making our trailer as successful as possible. Charlotte was helpful in that she stated what props were necessary for certain scenes and then proceeded to supply them. Due to being in several drama productions, I was able to best help on set by directing and giving feedback to actors. I also helped script write for the voice over. 


Due to music taking up a lot of my spare time, I had lots of suggestions for songs that could be used as background music. These ideas were followed through and we included Grieg Morning Mood and Black Eyed Peas Pump It. Equally, my singing meant that I had a TONOR USB Microphone that we used to record the voice over and the music. I used Audacity on my laptop to record this clips and then uploaded them onto the iMac. 

Social Media

Each member of our group took responsibility for setting up and posting film updates on a certain social media platform. We chose Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok as we felt these mainstream platforms would successfully reach our target audience. I was in charge of Instagram.

Press here for my social media page


  1. FILM POSTER: In this post you provide detailed evidence of relevant genre research into film posters of a similar type and your finished result shows confident application of poster genre codes and conventions (including all the institutional requirements). You offer evidence of the planning of your design. Your film poster effectively conveys the film's theme with its strong central image of the principals as the centre of visual interest positioned around the stolen artwork, against black curtains which lends a theatrical flourish and denotes the comedic element of their criminal activity. The poster is finished to a high technical standard and observes all genre conventions.

  2. SOCIAL MEDIA: Excellent work. The three well-illustrated Canva presentations about your use of your social media platform Instagram, a range of social media and film websites reflects very thorough research that has contributed to sophisticated understanding of how to engage your audience. Excellent investigation into how the film A Star Is Born communicated to its target audiences. In particular, you show excellent understanding of how social media engages audiences by encouraging interactivity and through personal address, content creation, 'behind the scenes' insights and actor profiles. You also draw attention to why you included an interview with a young film maker for his hobby website and why you used direct address to your target audience.



 JESS FOSTER 1820 I worked with Charlotte Coppellotti 1812, Ellie Smart 1859 and Millie Wyatt 1874. We produced a promotion package for a co...