Monday 27 September 2021


The FDA Resources 'Teaching Trailers' taught me that marketing campaigns may use a film's genre to gain out interest, playing on elements that are familiar to audiences who love that genre. But at the same time, it must demonstrate to audience how the film is different to others and provides them with a new original experience. This is known as the Unique Selling Point (USP) and explains how trailers help fill cinemas. Common USPs are a popular A List actor, innovative use of special effect or an unusual mix of genres. 

I watched three trailers - The Lion King, Late Night and Spies in Disguise. 

1. The Lion King

The USPs of this film are its high quality animation which is attained through the use of computer generated imagery (CGI) and allows for the animals to look really realistic. The film is also a live action remake of the 1994 original and so attracts many of the audiences that watched and loved the film back then but is also providing them with a new kind of experience too. 

2. Late Night

Late Night's USP is the star talent of Emma Thompson and Mindy Kaling who both have big fanbases. Equally, the storyline promotes and supports female empowerment and feminism making it different to quite a lot of films and allow it to stand out in the marketplace. 

3. Spies in Disguise

The USP of this film is thee A-List actors who are used for the voice overs of the main characters - Will Smith and Tom Holland. Will Smith attracts an older demographic as he is best known for his sitcom Fresh Prince of Belair which came out in 1990. On the other hand, Tom Holland is much more well-known by younger generations through recognition from the MCU. Furthermore, the film's main character is a man of colour which is not that common, giving the film a unique angle and promoting ethnic representation

1 comment:

  1. You have made excellent use of the FDA's 'Teaching Trailers' resource which in this unit explained that audiences like to recognise genre when they watch a trailer, but that in order to attract audiences into the cinema, all films should offer a USP. The task asked you to identify the USP of three films.
    THE LION KING You identify the high quality animation. You could link this to the similar quality of films by Studio Ghibli - these, like The Lion King, appeal to adult audiences as well as children, thereby broadening their appeal.
    LATE NIGHT Good recognition of the USPs of the themes of empowerment and the casting of A listers.
    SPIES IN DISGUISE You identify the key draw of A listers, including diversity of representations, and you draw attention to the different ages of audiences that might be attracted by the variety of casting.



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