Tuesday 28 September 2021


I have started further research on trailers, using the FDA Teaching Trailers online course

I watched the trailer for Booksmart before considering the following questions about trailers in general: 

During my study of the film industry last year, I learnt about how both Hollywood majors and UK independent films created different marketing campaigns to reach and engage their audiences. A film marketing campaign may cover many different ways in which the film's message is presented to potential audiences. 

The major elements of a film marketing campaign are: the trailer and teaser trailer; social media and viral marketing; film poster and the film website. The marketing for Black Panther was very successful and utilised the prestige and status that Disney and the MCU hold and were able to engage the loyal audiences as well as new ones. The film website acted as a convergent hub and used convergent links to showcase the social media, merchandising, trailers, posters and other insights into the film. It was released during Black History Month and Fashion Week: Welcome to Wakanda to emphasise the positive ethnic representation of African Americans in the film. 

To see different elements of the campaign, one would go to: the film website (where they have access to convergent links); cinemas (trailers) or TV (chat shows); blog posts by influences/fans; newspaper reports and magazine articles; P+A (posters)

The trailer for Black Panther was available on YouTube and on the website. Social media was used to announce events such as the Wakanda Fashion Show which was effective as such platforms are able to reach audiences globally. Anticipation for the film's release started 2 years prior to the release with interviews on radio, tv and YouTube. 

When deciding whether to go an watch a film, I am heavily influenced by the trailer. If the trailer engages me either through genre indication or star talent, it is likely I will watch the film. I will also look at reviews of the film to see what people enjoyed but also didn't enjoy about the film as I am influenced by word of mouth. 

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 JESS FOSTER 1820 I worked with Charlotte Coppellotti 1812, Ellie Smart 1859 and Millie Wyatt 1874. We produced a promotion package for a co...