Saturday 6 November 2021


FILM TITLE : Dodging a Bullet

Our film 'Dodging a Bullet' is a comedy heist film with some thriller characteristics. The plot revolves around a group of criminals: Boss, Birdie, Blaze and Breach who are under the direction of Big Boss, an anonymous voice on the end of the phone. Their heist involves the rich and famous art collector, Sebastian Windsor who has just purchased a painting worth over £400 million and the criminals are set to attempt to steal it. The film captures the thrill and suspense of the dangerous mission as well as the comedy and wit that comes with it as the 4 criminals find they are not as good at their job as the should be. The heist starts to fall to pieces as they stumble across a murder and find themselves right in the firing line as the police look for potential suspects. 

So much is as stake, the big question is 'How will they escape the charges?' and 'Will they make it out of the heist successfully and £400 million richer?'. 

All the criminals in the film are female (USP), encouraging female empowerment and going against the common stereotype found in films where male characters are seen partaking in dangerous activity for example, James Bond. Our target demographic is young adults but may appeal more to women due to the feministic elements. It is rated at 15 due to strong language. 

1 comment:

  1. Summative post about the film trailer treatments, genre and target audience.



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